The utility knives are those knives which are highly versatile, multi-functional knives with an average price range. However, the western cooks recommend these knives for barbecue carving. They use it to slice the fishes of sushi. These knives are most preferable among the Japanese Sushi chefs. Sashimi knives are popular for the most sharpened edge. Sashimi knives or Yanagibas are traditional Japanese slicing knives. The tip of chef’s knives is pointed and the cutting edge is curved. The most used size is eight inches and the professional users of the 10 inches’ unit. You will find these knives with different blade sizes. But most of them are made of stainless steel. These knives are made of from plenty of materials such ceramic, carbon steel etc. These knives are mainly originated from Germany and France. These knives are primarily designed for cutting and slicing the large pieces of meats and bones. Here it goes – Chef's KnivesĬhef's knives are the all-purpose knife.
Which one do you need? Well, to make your selection process easier, we are going to inform you about top 5 types of meat knives. Few people like chef's knives, few others like sashimi knives, Gyutou knives, carving knives and many more. There is a huge amount of meat knives in the knife industry.